After Submitting your STEM OPT Application to USCIS

After Filing:

  • Download and save a copy of your e-filed I-765 application for your records.
  • You will receive a confirmation and receipt number from USCIS shortly after submitting your application online. You may track the status of your case via your USCIS account or via USCIS Case Status Online
  • Your US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) portal  should provide you with copies of important documentation. In addition you should receive three (3) pieces of mail via US Postal Service from USCIS:
    • an I-797 notice of receipt, 
    • an I-797 notice of approval, 
    • and, ultimately, the official EAD card.   
  • Review the information carefully on all documents.   Contact your HIO advisor immediately if:
    • You do not receive your USCIS receipt notice within 60 days of submitting your OPT application.   
    • You receive a Request for Additional Evidence (RFE) or a Notice of Intent to Deny (NOID) from USCIS .
    • There is incorrect information on your EAD card. Please check:
      • Dates of authorization
      • Demographic data
      • Category, for STEM OPT it should state CO3C

Continuation of Employment

While your timely filed STEM OPT application is pending with USCIS, you can provide your employer with a copy of your I-797 receipt notice to continue working after your current EAD expires. You will receive a PDF version of the receipt notice in your online USCIS portal before receiving the official I-797 notice via U.S. Postal Service mail. Your employer can access information about the documentation required for completing the I-9 process with F-1 students.

Travel while STEM OPT is Pending

You can travel abroad and re-enter the US using your expired Post-Completion OPT EAD card and the original I-797 Receipt Notice for your timely filed STEM OPT application. This only applies during the 180-day period of authorized employment while your STEM OPT application is pending. Please refer to the HIO website’s travel page for a full list of documents required during the various stages of OPT and STEM OPT.

For additional information, please visit this STEM OPT FAQs and Travel on Post-Completion OPT, STEM OPT, or AT.