eShipGlobal Instructions
If you are in need of a new physical visa document for any reason, you must provide us with a FedEx shipping label via eShipGlobal, a company that provides shipping services to students and scholars at a discounted rate. You must select FedEx as the provider, as they are the only service currently accessible for HIO staff.
Students and scholars can get an updated PDF version of their document by requesting one here. There is no requirement to use eShipGlobal, unless you need a physical version of the document mailed to you.
If continuing with an eShipGlobal request, please be sure to list a contact phone number in your home country so that FedEx can contact you if there are any difficulties with delivery.
Step 1: Click here to sign up for the service.
Step 2: Select Harvard International Office in the department selection. If you select another department at Harvard, we will not receive the label.
Step 3: You must email your HIO advisor so that they may use the label to ship you the visa document. Please do not skip this step, as eShipGlobal does not notify advisors of a new label being created.
You will receive a confirmation back from eShipGlobal once we activate the label, and you can obtain the tracking information directly from their website.